B90294, 510/20 nm Bandpass Filter with Signal Attenuation

Product No:B90294

510/20 nm Bandpass Filter with Signal Attenuation (OD1) mounted for use in the CytoFLEX, CytoFLEX S, and CytoFLEX LX Wavelength Division Multiplexer (WDM).  The filter holder allows the bandpass to be repositioned to meet experimental requirements. The 510/20 nm Bandpass Filter with Signal Attenuation (OD1) is supplied as an optional accessory. This filter is useful for detecting bright signals from GFP, and bringing them on a similar scale as moderate and dimly expressed markers.   Transmission is 1/10th of the unattenuated filter.

£453.00 List Price - £453.00

Product Specifications

Wavelength 500 - 520 nm
Package Quantity 1

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